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Quality of Life: Residents of Park Homes Reveal Best Features in New Poll

Sell My Group, a UK online property property portal for the Park Industry, recently conducted a survey asking residents what they consider to be the best features of living in a residential park home. The results have shown that the most popular response was the Quality of Life that comes with living in a residential park home (15%). This was closely followed by living in a like minded community (13%), with the third most popular reason being easier maintenance (13%).

Social Aspects

Of the 305 people who took part in the poll, along with naming quality of life as the biggest draw, residents also pointed to enjoying the social aspect of living in close proximity to like-minded people. This can be especially important for those who have retired and are looking to make new friends. The ease of maintenance was also a major feature, with park homes typically requiring less upkeep than traditional houses. This can be a significant benefit for those who may struggle with the physical demands of maintaining a larger property.

In addition, residential park homes can be more affordable than traditional houses, with reduced council tax bills being a prime example. This, combined with lower utility bills and other expenses, can make living in a park home a very cost-effective choice.

Overall, it’s clear that living in a residential park home has many advantages, from the sense of community to the practical benefits of easier maintenance and reduced bills. As more people discover these benefits, it’s likely that the popularity of park homes will continue to grow in the UK.

Justin Allitt, the owner of Sell My Group, said, “Living in a residential park home is easier and more affordable to run and maintain than conventional houses. They only have one storey, too, which means they can often be a practical choice for people who have problems with mobility. It’s great to see that park home residents are experiencing these benefits first-hand and are sharing them with others.”

Josiah Hutchings, Sales Consultant at Pathfinder Homes, said ““From the perspective of someone who works within this industry, the results of the polls really don’t surprise me. Lodges and park homes facilitate a need for not only accessible housing, but affordable living as well. The standard of homes has increased at an expediential rate over the past 50 years, making todays product far more comfortable and sustainable to live in and enjoy. Park homes allow people to enjoy a high quality of living for a reasonable price, along side this the prospect of living amongst a similar demographic and likeminded people is massively attractive.”


Notes to editor

For further information please contact Justin Allitt on 07872 894192 or email